Soccer tryouts are just around the corner. It’s time to dust off those cleats and meet your fellow athletes on the field for an intensive tryout preparation program. Sessions focus on developing the key skills coaches will be looking for at tryouts, through high-energy training sessions.
This program is for any 8 to 13 year old player who wants to tryout for competitive soccer this season. Our program curriculum focuses on key skills and tactics that competitive coaches will be looking for during tryouts. This program is best suited for recreational to competitive level players who have a minimum of 1 season of playing experience.
What to expect: During no-pressure skills work, players work independently to perform a series of skills activities. Players then test out their skills in a low-pressure environment, such as 1v1 activities and drills with another player. High pressure activities and drills include scrimmages and 2v1, etc. scenarios. A progression from no-to-low-to-high pressure environments, allows players to focus on form, before gradually testing skills in an increasingly realistic setting. The goal is not to learn new skills, but to be able to better proficiently skills in increasingly higher pressure environments.
What equipment is needed: Soccer cleats and shin guards. We will supply everything else.
Private / Small Group Programs
Monthly Clinics
We've got a program for you! We work with individuals, groups, teams, clubs, schools, etc. Click on a link below to learn more. Don't see what you're looking for, contact us for more options!